Seamless Weeks 1&2


A while ago I started the Seamless Bible Study. It’s my first attempt at a Bible study since I was in Catholic Sunday school as a teenager. Basically it provides a very simple explanation of major stories of the Bible as they happened chronologically. Its a 7 weeks study and has readings to do daily.

I hadn’t made it very far and then I got distracted and didn’t do it for a few weeks. But yesterday I got back on it and finished week 2. I’m trying to complete it before March 2, and then I plan on starting the Gospel of Mark, an online Bible study through Lifeway Women that leads up to Easter.

Week 1
Week 1 was all about the book of Genesis. It covered creation and the fall of man and the flood, the story of Job and the Tower of Babel.  Major stories that I knew, but I feel like I now have a new understanding of, especially the book of Job, and where the saying “the patience of Job” comes from.

Week 2
Then came the Patriarchs, or the story of Abraham and his descendants. I really like the story of Ishmael and Isaac, and how the study hi lighted that Ishmael became the father of Arabic people and Isaac became the father of the Jews. I knew that Islam and Judaism were linked somehow, but now I see where the link is.

Reading this chapter I really reflected on the story of the Sacrifice of Isaac (Gen 22). Read that chapter and ask yourself “How many Behold, here I am” moments have you had this week? This month? This year? And how did you respond? This part really made me stop and reflect. I probably have more moments where I ignore when God is speaking to me, or maybe my ears aren’t trained to hear Him yet. Or maybe I know the right thing to do, or what I want him to do, but I chose to do what I want, what I think is right, smarter or the right choice for me. Can I say that I would walk one of my children up a hill knowing I would use them in a sacrifice? Trusting that God is holding me in his hands? No way. I’m not that strong. How do I tell if it’s God’s voice speaking to me? These are some of the things I’m looking to find and answer for myself through this study and probably more.

Week 3 next week is the Book of Exodus. I can’t wait to dive into it!

Author: Christina

I'm Christina! Mom of 4, full time public health nurse, and working to pay off our mortgage after becoming debt-free in 2018.

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